
The project strength the collaboration in multi-disciplinary network of scientists and physicians in both academic and industrial research.


Partners & Expertise

Project coordinator:

Justyna Siwy, Mosaiques Diagnostics GmbH

Proteome analysis using CE-MS-technology, the core technology used in UriCoV. Coordinator provides state of the art peptidomics profiling and clinical proteomics expertise. Coordinator further brings the central biostatistical and machine learning knowledge and competence to the consortium.

Partner 1:

Ralph Wendt, Hospital St. Georg Hospital, Leipzig, Germany

Clinical expertise in infectious diseases, access to human urine samples, data collection, integration and data management.

Partner 2:

Björn Peters, Skaraborg Hospital, Skövde, Sweden

Clinical partner, will provide expertise especially in the context of PASC and questionnaires.

Partner 3:

Benjamin Chousterman, Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, France

Special expertise on needs of patients after critical illness. In addition, P3 together with his team brings in the consortium expertise in the health economics analysis. The AP-HP team includes two public health doctors (Prof. K. Chevreul, Dr. M. Michel) specialized in health economics and economic evaluation, who are also part of an Inserm research unit dedicated to clinical epidemiology and economic evaluation applied to vulnerable populations. 

Partner 4:

Miroslaw Banasik, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland

Clinical expertise; P4 is responsible for data integration.

Partner 5:

Manfred Hecking, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Clinical expertise; qualitative interview study aiming to assess potential gender disparity in men and women with PACS.

Partner 6:

Catherine Tourette-Turgis, The Patients’ University, Sorbonne, France

Expertise in the field of the practices of survivor research. P6 has experience of activism in health in the field of long Covid.



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